WINTER LOVE December 11, 2012 14:29
I went to see Luminescence: the Silver of Peru exhibit at the Museum of Anthropology in Vancouver
I spent hours gazing at the glowing creations of times past
It has always intrigued me how attracted I am to the colour, sparkle, and light a gemstone or metal can create
It is as if seeing them and wearing them gives me a perspective shift to divinity, a something more
an ability to tap into inner resources linked to unlimited abundance and light from the universe
The Inca linked silver to the tears of mama quilla the moon goddess,
signifying her power over water, rain, the underground, night, and fertility
Gold symbolized the sweat of inti, the sun god,
of daylight, life, plant growth, and the source of worldly power and authority
In my experience tears and sweat can result in miracles
I am a big believer in miracles, miracles happen when you get out of your own way,
when you get clear about what you desire and the next step towards it,
clarity often comes with exercise, meditation, being in nature,
talking with a friend, journaling, or even making an altar of intention
I learned that in many areas of Latin America, Milagros or Miracles,
are metal images often pinned to wooden statues of saints,
representing a persons prayer, or to thank the saint for answering a prayer
Each Milagro is made for unique reasons
Hearts are often left as a prayer for love,
or in thanks for a love prayer being answered
So I pinned a heart Milagro to the top of my holiday tree this year,
both praying for and being thankful for all the love in my world